
Working together to keep households safe and warm

Partnerships are key to our continued success

By working closely with our partners, we’re able to connect with local communities to provide vulnerable households with the guidance they need to manage energy and water usage, issues and disputes.

Our growing partner community is made up of various organisations, from food banks to energy and water companies, allowing us to build a strong network of support for those who need it most.

Why work with us?

Aligned with your mission

We’ll work with you to determine where you’d like your support to go, and will deliver this accordingly. All can be backed up with evaluations and monitoring.

We're stronger together

Through our expertise and connections, we can deliver the support to clients you may otherwise not have the time, knowledge or resources for.

Benefit those most in need

We’re engaged with households and clients that you may find harder to reach and are aware of the risks and challenges they’re facing

How can you partner with us?

Our support focuses on helping households to access advice through our energy support sessions and advice drop-ins.

We partner with a range of organisations including local councils, welfare charities, debt advice agencies and food banks, energy providers and more. Our partnerships help us continue to support local communities and those in need.

We welcome support in the form of funding, resources, venue spaces for community events and drop-ins, cross-referrals, promotion of our services and more.

To discuss becoming a partner, please get in touch.

We're proud to be working with

We’re here to help. If you’re aware of a household facing difficult choices about their energy supply, please get in touch.