Training & Coaching

Sessions to support frontline workers

Let's work in partnership, not isolation

Here at Energy Manage, we recognise the value of working in partnership with our fellow frontline workers. 

Our team is qualified in Social Policy, Business & Finance, and Housing. They are also trained in Safeguarding, both with children and vulnerable adults, and our trainer has been delivering to organisations working with vulnerable households for over 20 years. With these backgrounds and extensive experience in delivering energy advice, we are able to provide training to frontline workers on a variety of subjects, including mental health, challenging situations and more.

Take a look at some of our current training and coaching sessions below.

Our coaching & training sessions

Challenging Behaviour & Situations

Working on the frontline, you are likely to come face-to-face with decisions that can call into question your professional boundaries and personal safety. Our course helps you gain awareness and understanding of these challenging behaviours and situations.
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Mental Health Awareness

Suitable for frontline workers such as teachers, youth workers, housing staff and volunteers, this training day looks at common and severe mental health conditions. We consider causes, coping mechanisms and helping people in distress.
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Our safeguarding training will help you to recognise the warning signs of abuse, what to do with any concerns that you may have and how to feel confident in protecting vulnerable adults and children.
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Managing Boundaries

During this course, we explore the challenges of setting and maintaining boundaries. It enables participants to define professional boundaries and understand how these can be compromised.

We’re here to help. For more information, please get in touch.