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Drop us a line
Get in touch with our team for energy support
Address (inc postcode)
Please confirm if the following statements are true:
I have a pre-payment meter
I will run out of gas and/or electricity within the next 3-5 days
I receive a bill for my electricity and/or gas
I have a smart meter
Who is your energy supplier?
How many adults and how many children in your household?
Supporting statement
Please tick the following statements that apply to you
I receive a means-tested benefit
I receive a health-related benefit
I have a health condition made worse by the cold
Evidence of your pre-payment meter balance is required. Please provide a photo of your pre-payment meter, with your meter number and balance clearly visible
If you receive a bill for your electricity and/or gas please upload a copy of your latest bill here. Please ensure your name, address, account number and balance is clearly visible.
Are you happy for Energy Manage to send you energy advice and information?
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Call us
07368 367 394
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